Discrete Mathematics Gary Chartrand Ping Zhang Answers
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I also started collecting shot glasses. I try to buy one from each university I visit but, as you can see, I am not doing so well. If you visit me, feel free to bring me a shot glass from your university. ;-)
316 Books
- 100 Most Important Science Ideas --- Key Concepts in Genetics, Physics and Mathematics, Mark Henderson, Joanne Baker, Tony Crilly (42)
- A = B, Marko Petkovsek, Herbert S. Wilf, Doron Zeilberger (91)
- A Certain Uncertainty --- Nature's Random Ways, Mark P. Silverman (273)
- A Course in Combinatorics (2nd Edition), J.H. van Lint, R.M. Wilson (114)
- A Course in Linear Algebra, David B. Damiano, John B. Little (297)
- A Course on the Web Graph, Anthony Bonato (148)
- A Field Guide to Lies --- Critical Thinking in the Information Age, Daniel J. Levitin (204)
- A First Course in Network Science, Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato, Clayton A. Davis (282)
- A History of Pi, Petr Beckmann (44)
- A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics (2nd edition), Daniel Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Peter Rosenthal (308)
- A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (6th edition), Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre (61)
- A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (7th edition), Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre (62)
- A Walk Through Combinatorics --- An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory (4th edition), Miklos Bona (306)
- Alan Turing: the Enigma, Andrew Hodges (247)
- Algorithms to Live By --- The Computer Science of Human Decisions, Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths (206)
- Algorytmy aproksymacyjne, Vijay V. Vazirani (137)
- Algorytmy kombinatoryczne, Ewdard M. Reingold, Jurg Nievergelt, Narsingh Deo (184)
- Algorytmy optymalizacji dyskretnej z programami w jezyku Pascal, Maciej M. Syslo, Narsingh Deo, Janusz S. Kowalik (163)
- An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Robert J. Bond, William J. Keane (67)
- An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics --- Instructor's Solutions Manual, Robert J. Bond, William J. Keane (71)
- An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Neil C. Jones, Pavel A. Pevzner (118)
- An Introduction to Game-Theoretic Modelling (2nd Edition), Michael Mesterton-Gibbons (125)
- Analiza kombinatoryczna, Witold Lipski, Wiktor Marek (172)
- Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Methods for Modern Biology, Raina S. Robeva (6)
- Algorithms from the Book, Kenneth Lange (286)
- Algorithms on Trees and Graphs, Gabriel Valiente (179)
- Analiza Matematyczna w Zadaniach, Wlodzimierz Krysicki, Lech Wlodarski (51)
- Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Steven C. Chapra (214)
- Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (3rd Edition), Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger (232)
- Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (6th Edition), Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger (253)
- Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?, William Poundstone (248)
- Artificial Intelligence --- A Very Short Introduction, Margaret A. Boden (259)
- Aspekty kombinatoryki, Victor Bryant (183)
- Asymptopia, Joel Spencer with Laura Florescu (211)
- Average Case Analysis of Algorithms on Sequences, Wojciech Szpankowski (23)
- Вероятность и достоверность, Борель Эмиль (275)
- Bijective Combinatorics, Nicholas A. Loehr (128)
- Birth of a Theorem---a Mathematical Adventure, Cedric Villani (189)
- Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, Stephen Hawking (263)
- Brownian Motion, Peter Morters, Yuval Peres (154)
- Calculus (5th Edition) --- Complete Solutions Manual, James Stewart (82)
- Calculus for Engineers (3rd Edition), Donald Trim (75)
- Calculus in One Dimension: Volume I (Updated Edition), Tyler Holden (289)
- Calculus in One Dimension: Volume II, Tyler Holden (296)
- Calculus for Engineers (3rd Edition) --- Student Solutions Manual, Donald Trim (76)
- Chases and Escapes --- the Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion, Paul J. Nahin (36)
- Chess --- the Complete Idiot's Guide (3rd Edition), Patrick Wolff (262)
- Chromatic Graph Theory, Gary Chartrand, Ping Zhang (110)
- Circuit Double Cover of Graphs, Cun-Quan Zhang (304)
- Clean Architecture --- A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design, Robert C. Martin (303)
- College Geometry --- A Problem-Solving Approach with Applications (2nd Edition), Gary L. Musser, Lynn E. Trimpe, Vikki R. Maurer (70)
- Combinatorial Games --- Tic-Tac-Toe Theory, Jozsef Beck (139)
- Combinatorial Nullstellensatz with Applications to Graph Colouring, Xuding Zhu, R. Balakrishnan (307)
- Combinatorics, Complexity, and Chance --- A Tribute to Dominic Welsh, Geoffrey Grimmett, Colin McDiarmid (117)
- Combinatorics of Permutations (2nd Edition), Miklos Bona (92)
- Complex Graphs and Networks, Fan Chung, Linyuan Lu (116)
- Complex Network Analysis in Python, Dmitry Zinoviev (278)
- Complex Networks --- Principles, Methods and Applications, Vito Latora, Vincenzo Nicosia, Giovanni Russo (280)
- Complex Webs --- Anticipating the Improbable, Bruce J. West, Paolo Grigolini (89)
- Computational Geometry --- Algorithms and Applications (2nd Edition), Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf (175)
- Computational Methods in Finance, Ali Hirsa (290)
- Computer Science --- A Very Short Introduction, S. Dasgupta (198)
- Concentration of Measure for the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms, Devdatt P. Dubhashi, Alessandro Panconesi (15)
- Concrete Mathematics --- a Foundation for Computer Science (2nd Edition), Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik (293)
- Contemporary Abstract Algebra (7th Edition), Joseph A. Gallian (127)
- Credit Scoring in Context of Interpretable Machine Learning --- Theory and Practice, Daniel Kaszynski, Bogumil Kaminski, Tomasz Szapiro, Eds. (316)
- Cyberiada, Stanislaw Lem (215)
- Data and Goliath---the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World, Bruce Schneier (194)
- Data Clustering --- Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Guojun Gan, Chaoqun Ma, Jianhong Wu (287)
- Data Mining --- Concepts and Techniques (3rd Edition), Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei (149)
- Data Science for Business --- What You Need to Know About Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking, Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett (242)
- Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville (241)
- Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics --- an Applied Introduction (5th Edition), Ralph P. Grimaldi (256)
- Discrete Mathematics (8th Edition), Richard Johnsonbaugh (238)
- Discrete Mathematics --- Elementary and Beyond, L. Lovasz, J. Pelikan, K. Vesztergombi (123)
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th Edition), Kenneth H. Rosen (83)
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th Edition) --- Student's Solutions Guide, Kenneth H. Rosen (84)
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science --- Instructor's Copy, David Liben-Nowell (237)
- Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th Edition), Susanna S. Epp (9)
- Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th Edition) --- Student Solutions Manual, Susanna S. Epp (85)
- Discrete Mathematics with Applications (5th Edition), Susanna S. Epp (268)
- Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (3rd Edition), Edgar G. Goodaire (255)
- Dowody z Ksiegi, Martin Aigner, Gunter M. Ziegler (145)
- Dzieje Matematyki Polskiej II, Witold Wieslaw, Eds. (246)
- Einstein --- Zycie Nauka, Michael White, John Gribbin (47)
- Einstein --- His Life and Universe, Walter Isaacson (195)
- Einstein Wrote Back --- My Life in Physics, John W. Moffat (249)
- Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (9th Edition), William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima (77)
- Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (9th Edition) --- Student Solution Manual, William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima (78)
- Elementarz Rachunku Prawdopodobienstwa, Warren Weaver (223)
- Elon Musk --- Biografia Tworcy PayPala, Tesli, SpaceX, Ashlee Vance (265)
- Enigma --- Blizej Prawdy, Marek Grajek (41)
- Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, David J. Hunter (80)
- Essentials of Discrete Mathematics (2nd Edition), David J. Hunter (81)
- Essentials of Probability and Probability Models --- A Basic Course in Mathematical Statistics, S. Ejaz Ahmed (29)
- Euclid's Elements --- all thirteen books complete in one volume, Euclid (243)
- Ewolucja fizyki --- rozwoj pogladow od najdawniejszych pojec do teorii wzglednosci i kwantow, Albert Einstein, Leopold Infeld (203)
- Excel 2013 --- Pivot Table Data Crunching, Bill Jelen, Michael Alexander (20)
- Experiencing Geometry --- Euclidean and Non-Euclidean with History, David W. Henderson, Daina Taimina (68)
- Filozofia Matematyki --- Antologia tekstow klasycznych, Roman Murawski (146)
- Finite Automata, Mark V. Lawson (109)
- Fizyka 1, Robert Resnick, David Halliday (102)
- Fizyka 2, Robert Resnick, David Halliday (103)
- Flatland --- A Romance of Many Dimensions, Edwin Abbott Abbott (95)
- Foundations of Topology (2nd Edition), C. Wayne Patty (119)
- Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics (4th Edition), Alpha C. Chiang, Kevin Wainwright (79)
- Fundamentals of Mathematics---An Introduction to Proofs, Logic, Sets, and Numbers, Bernd S.W. Schroder (66)
- Future Crimes---Inside the Digital Underground and the Battle for Our Connected World, Marc Goodman (193)
- Gallery of the Infinite, Richard Evan Schwartz (208)
- Game Theory --- A Playful Introduction, Matt DeVos, Deborah A. Kent (210)
- Game Theory, Alive, Anna R. Karlin, Yuval Peres (235)
- Games of No Chance 3, Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski (244)
- Games, Puzzles, and Computation, Robert A. Hearn, Erik D. Demaine (37)
- Generatingfunctionology (3rd Edition), Herbert S. Wilf (124)
- Genius at Play---the Curious Mind of John Horton Conway, Siobhan Roberts (169)
- GMAT Premier 2011 (100)
- Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods, Anthony Bonato, Pawel Pralat (313)
- Graph Theory As I Have Known It, W.T. Tutte (178)
- Graph Theory (3rd Edition), Reinhard Diestel (130)
- Graph-Based Social Media Analysis, Ioannis Pitas (299)
- Graphs, Colourings and the Four-Colour Theorem, Robert A. Wilson (185)
- Graphs & Digraphs (5th Edition), Gary Chartrand, Linda Lesniak, Ping Zhang (105)
- Graphs and Homomorphisms, Pavol Hell, Jaroslav Nesetril (180)
- Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics, Miklos Bona (27)
- Hello World --- Being Human in the Age of Algorithms, Hannah Fry (269)
- Hidden Figures, Margot Lee Shetterly (236)
- How to Bake Pi --- An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics, Eugenia Cheng (196)
- How To Prove It --- A Structured Approach, Daniel J. Velleman (64)
- How to Read and Do Proofs, Daniel Solow (63)
- In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman --- Mathematics at the Limits of Computation, William J. Cook (43)
- Интерполяция и аппроксимация рациональными функциями в комплексной области (Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Domain), Уолш Д. (J.L. Walsh) (276)
- Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Edition), Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein (121)
- Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra --- Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares, Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe (257)
- Introduction to Cisco Router Configuration, Laura Chappell (69)
- Introduction to Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics (2nd Edition), Miklos Bona (106)
- Introduction to Graph Theory (2nd Edition), Douglas B. West (188)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (3rd Edition), Ethem Alpaydin (16)
- Introduction to Math Olympiad Problems, Michael A. Radin (309)
- Introduction to Probability Models (11th Edition), Sheldon M. Ross (10)
- Introduction to Random Graphs, Alan Frieze, Michal Karonski (170)
- Invitation to a Mathematical Festival, Ivan Yashchenko (209)
- Invitation to Discrete Mathematics, Jiri Matousek, Jaroslav Nesetril (122)
- Is God a Mathematician?, Mario Livio (239)
- Is Your Neighbor a Zombie? --- Compelling Philosophical Puzzles That Challenge Your Beliefs, Jeremy Stangroom (187)
- Избранные задачи (The Otto Dunkel Memorial Problem Book) (277)
- Journey Through Genius --- the Great Theorems of Mathematics, William Dunham (1)
- Julia 1.0 --- Programming Cookbook, Bogumil Kaminski, Przemyslaw Szufel (260)
- Katar, Stanislaw Lem (226)
- Kombinatoryka dla programistow, Witold Lipski (173)
- Komunikacja miedzy procesami w Unixie, John Shapley Gray (176)
- Konkursy Matematyczne --- Wybor Zadan, Krystyna Dworecka, Zbigniew Kochanowski (284)
- Krotkofalarstwo i radiokomunikacja --- Poradnik, Lukasz Komsta SP8QED (217)
- Ksiega liczb, John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy (166)
- Large Networks and Graph Limits, Laszlo Lovasz (25)
- Lectures on Approximation and Randomized Algorithms --- Proceedings of the Berlin-Poznan Summer School, Michal Karonski, Hans-Jurgen Promel (131)
- Lectures on Complex Networks, Sergey N. Dorogovtsev (129)
- Lem --- Zycie nie z tej ziemi, Wojciech Orlinski (250)
- Lessons in Play --- An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory, Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski, David Wolfe (192)
- Lessons in Play --- An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory (2nd Edition), Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski, David Wolfe (298)
- Linear Algebra with Applications (5th Edition), W. Keith Nicholson (72)
- Lost in a Cave --- applying graph theory to cave exploration, Richard L. Breisch (132)
- Machine Learning --- A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P. Murphy (18)
- Magical Mathematics --- The Mathematical Ideas That Animate Great Magic Tricks, Persi Diaconis and Ron Graham (199)
- Markov Chains and Mixing Times, David A. Levin, Yuval Peres, Elizabeth L. Wilmer (107)
- Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis (3rd Edition), John A. Rice (233)
- Mathematics Everywhere, Martin Aigner, Ehrhard Behrends (73)
- Mathematics for Teachers (3rd Edition), Thomas Sonnabend (86)
- Matematyka --- Encyklopedia Szkolna (101)
- Matematyka --- Poradnik Encyklopedyczny (czesc 1, 2), I.N. Bronsztejn, K.A. Siemiendiajew (56)
- Matematyka --- Poradnik Encyklopedyczny (czesc 3, 4), I.N. Bronsztejn, K.A. Siemiendiajew (57)
- Matematyka --- Poradnik Encyklopedyczny (czesc 5, 6), I.N. Bronsztejn, K.A. Siemiendiajew (58)
- Matematyka --- Zbior Zadan dla Klasy II Szkoly Sredniej, Tadeusz Korczyc, Jerzy Nowakowski (219)
- Matematyka wspolczesna u nauczaniu dzieci, Zbigniew Semadeni (33)
- Mathematical Circle Diaries, Year 2 --- Complete Curriculum for Grades 6 to 8, Anna Burago (251)
- Mathematical Mind-Benders, Peter Winkler (11)
- Mathematical Modelling of Zombies, Robert Smith? (19)
- Mathematical Modelling with Maple, William P. Fox (59)
- Mathematical Puzzles, Peter Winkler (300)
- Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur's Collection, Peter Winkler (12)
- Mathematics --- A Discrete Introduction (3rd Edition), Edward R. Scheinerman (74)
- Mathematics --- A Very Short Introduction, Timothy Gowers (207)
- Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling, Ronald J. Gould (60)
- Matroids, James Oxley (108)
- Metody Probabilistyczne i Obliczenia, Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal (267)
- Mining of Massive Datasets, Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman (294)
- Modelowanie Decyzji w Arkuszu Kalkulacyjnym, Michal Jakubczyk, Bogumil Kaminski, Tomasz Szapiro, Eds. (315)
- Modern Graph Theory, Bela Bollobas (161)
- Moscow Mathematical Olympiads, 1993-1999, Roman Fedorov, Alexei Belov, Alexander Kovaldzhi, Ivan Yashchenko (152)
- Moscow Mathematical Olympiads, 2000-2005, Roman Fedorov, Alexei Belov, Alexander Kovaldzhi, Ivan Yashchenko (153)
- Multivariate Statistical Mehods (4th Edition), Donald F. Morrison (234)
- My Brain is Open --- The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos, Bruce Schechter (310)
- Network Science, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (279)
- Networks, Crowds, and Markets --- Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, David Easley, Jon Kleinberg (26)
- Networks (2nd Edition), Mark Newman (274)
- Niekonstruktywne metody matematyki dyskretnej, Zbigniew Palka, Andrzej Rucinski (165)
- Nowoczesne Kompendium Matematyki, I.N. Bronsztejn, K.A. Siemiendiajew, G. Musiol, H. Muhlig (40)
- Nowy umysl cesarza --- o komputerach, umysle i prawach fizyki, Roger Penrose (38)
- Numbers: A Very Short Introduction, Peter M. Higgins (5)
- Numerical Analysis (9th Edition), Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires (120)
- Numerical Methods for Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, John H. Mathews (181)
- One Thousand Exercises in Probability, Geoffrey Grimmett, David Stirzaker (111)
- Opowiesci matematyczna, Michal Szurek (34)
- Our days are numbered --- how mathematics orders our lives, Jason I. Brown (4)
- Paradoxes in Probability Theory, William Eckhardt (305)
- Paul Erdos and His Mathematics I, Gabor Halasz, Laszlo Lovasz, Miklos Simonovits, Vera T. Sos (30)
- Paul Erdos and His Mathematics II, Gabor Halasz, Laszlo Lovasz, Miklos Simonovits, Vera T. Sos (31)
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop (7)
- Pearls from a Lost City --- The Lvov School of Mathematics, Roman Duda (50)
- Pearls of Discrete Mathematics, Martin Erickson (93)
- Perfect Rigor --- A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century, Masha Gessen (48)
- Polynomial Methods in Combinaotircs, Larry Guth (202)
- Positional Games, Dan Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich, Milos Stojakovic, Tibor Szabo (311)
- Practical Applications of Data Mining, Sang C. Suh (159)
- Practical Programming --- An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3.6 (3rd Edition), Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo (288)
- Prawdopodobienstwo i miara, Patrick Billingsley (162)
- Probabilistic Graphical Models --- Principles and Techniques, Daphne Koller, Nir Friedman (17)
- Probability --- Theory and Examples (5th Edition), Rick Durrett (281)
- Probability and Random Processes (3rd Edition), Geoffrey Grimmett, David Stirzaker (112)
- Probability on Graphs --- Random Processes on Graphs and Lattices, Geoffrey Grimmett (150)
- Probability on Trees and Networks, Russell Lyons, Yuval Peres (295)
- Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology (2nd Edition), Matthew A. Carlton, Jay L. Devore (312)
- Programowanie w systemie Unix dla zaawansowanych, Marc J. Rochkind (138)
- Professor Stewart's Casebook of Mathematical Mysteries, Ian Stewart (168)
- Rachunek Prawdopodobienstwa, A.A. Borowkow (171)
- Rachunek Prawdopodobienstwa i Statystyka Matematyczna w Zadaniach --- czesc 1, W. Krysicki, J. Bartos, W. Dyczka, K. Krolikowska, M. Wasilewski (53)
- Ramsey Theory (2nd Edition), Ronald L. Graham, Bruce L. Rothschild, Joel H. Spencer (186)
- Random Graph Dynamics, Rick Durrett (8)
- Random Graphs, Svante Janson, Tomasz Luczak, Andrzej Rucinski (14)
- Random Graphs (Volume 2), Alan Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, Eds. (104)
- Random Graphs (2nd Edition), Bela Bollobas (157)
- Random Graphs, Geometry and Asymptotic Structure, Michael Krivelevich, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Mathew Penrose, and Colin McDiarmid (200)
- Randomized Algorithms, Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan (140)
- Rownania Rozniczkowe Zwyczajne i Czastkowe, Henryk Debinski, Izydor Dziubinski (177)
- Rudiments of Ramsey Theory, Ronald L. Graham (151)
- Simulation Modeling and Analysis (5th Edition), Averill M. Law (254)
- Six Degrees --- The Science of a Connected Age, Duncan J. Watts (141)
- Social and Economic Networks, Matthew O. Jackson (205)
- Solaris, Stanislaw Lem (224)
- Spectral Graph Theory, Fan R.K. Chung (115)
- Statistics for Management and Economics (3rd Edition), William Mendenhall, James E. Reinmuth (301)
- Stefan Banach---Remarkable Life, Brilliant Mathematics, Emilia Jakimowicz, Adam Miranowicz, Eds. (245)
- Stochastic Calculus for Finance I --- The Binomial Asset Pricing Model, Steven E. Shreve (291)
- Stochastic Calculus for Finance II --- Continuous-Time Models, Steven E. Shreve (292)
- Superintelligence --- Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Nick Bostrom (261)
- Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! --- Adventures of a Curious Character, Richard P. Feynman (2)
- Systems Biology --- Volume 1: Genomics, Isidore Rigoutsos, Gregory Stephanopoulos (155)
- Systems Biology --- Volume 2: Networks, Models, and Applications, Isidore Rigoutsos, Gregory Stephanopoulos (156)
- Sztuka programowania --- Tom 1 --- Algorytmy postawowe, Donald E. Knuth (133)
- Sztuka programowania --- Tom 2 --- Algorytmy seminumeryczne, Donald E. Knuth (134)
- Sztuka programowania --- Tom 3 --- Sortowanie i wyszukiwanie, Donald E. Knuth (135)
- Tablice Matematyczno-Fizyczne, Jerzy Antoniewicz (55)
- Tajemnicza liczba e i inne sekrety matematyki, Bogdan Mis (258)
- Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners --- A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages, Tanmay Bakshi (283)
- Teoria Falek, Przemyslaw Wojtaszczyk (52)
- Ten Great Ideas About Chance, Persi Diaconis, Brian Skyrms (252)
- Teoria Gier, Philip D. Straffin (142)
- The Alignment Problem --- Machine Learning and Human Values, Brian Christian (302)
- The Art of Mathematics --- Coffee Time in Memphis, Bela Bollobas (158)
- The Art of Proof --- Basic Training for Deeper Mathematics, Matthias Beck, Ross Geoghegan (65)
- The Business Blockchain --- promise, practice, and application of the next Internet technology, William Mougayar (213)
- The Computer Book --- From the Abacus to Artificial Intelligence, 250 Milestones in the History of Computer Science, Simson L. Garfinkel, Rachel H. Grunspan (264)
- The Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd Edition), Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman (201)
- The Engineering Book --- From the Catapult to the Curiosity Rover, 250 Milestones in the History of Engineering, Marshall Brain (230)
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Exercises), Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands (191)
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 1), Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands (96)
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 2), Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands (97)
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 3), Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands (98)
- The Fractalist ---- Momoir of a Scientific Maverick, Bonoit B. Mandelbrot (216)
- The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs, Anthony Bonato, Richard J. Nowakowski (160)
- The Great Scientists --- From Euclid to Stephen Hawking, Rick Smolan, Jennifer Erwitt (99)
- The Human Face of Big Data, Rick Smolan, Jennifer Erwitt (22)
- The Human Network --- How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors, Matthew O. Jackson (270)
- The Little Book of String Theory, Steven S. Gubser (167)
- The Man Who Knew Infinity --- A Life of the Genius Ramanujan, Robert Kanigel (45)
- The Man Who Loved Only Numbers --- The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth, Paul Hoffman (46)
- The Math Book --- From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics, Clifford A. Pickover (39)
- The Mathematical Coloring Book --- Mathematics of Coloring and the Colorful Life of its Creators, Alexander Soifer (24)
- The Mathematics of Games --- An Introduction to Probability, David G. Taylor (90)
- The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects --- Research in Recreational Math, Jennifer Beineke, Jason Rosenhouse (272)
- The Nikola Tesla Puzzle Collection --- An Electrifying Series of Challenges, Enigmas and Puzzles, Richard Galland (197)
- The Philosophy Book --- From the Vedas to the New Atheists, 250 Milestones in the History of Philosophy, Gregory Bassham (240)
- The Physics Book --- From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection, 250 Milestones in the History of Physics, Clifford A. Pickover (35)
- The Poincare Conjecture --- In Search of the Shape of the Universe, Donal O'Shea (49)
- The Princeton Companion to Mathematics, Timothy Gowers (28)
- The Probabilistic Method (3rd Edition), Noga Alon, Joel H. Spencer (13)
- The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets, Simon Singh (190)
- The Structure and Dynamics of Networks, Mark Newman, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Duncan J. Watts (88)
- Thirty-three Miniatures --- Mathematical and Algorithmic Applications of Linear Algebra, Jiri Matousek (126)
- Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, and Other Adventures in Applied Mathematics, Robert B. Banks (21)
- Train Your Brain --- Challenging Yet Elementary Mathematics, Bogumil Kaminski, Pawel Pralat (314)
- Trigonometry --- Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (3rd Edition), Michael Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, III (87)
- Truth or Truthiness --- Distinguishing Fact from Fiction by Learning to Think Like a Data Scientist, Howard Wainer (231)
- Twenty Lectures on Combinatorial Probability, Michal Karonski (164)
- Umysl Matematyczny, Bartosz Brozek, Mateusz Hohol (228)
- Uncle Petros & Goldbach's Conjecture --- a novel of mathematical obsession, Apostolos Doxiadis (3)
- Weapons of Math Destruction --- How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, Cathy O'Neil (212)
- Why Pi? How math applies to everyday life, Johnny Ball (229)
- Wielkie Problemy Matematyczne, Ian Stewart (94)
- Wnioskowanie Statystyczne --- Modele i Metody, Leslaw Gajek, Marek Kaluszka (143)
- Wprowadzenie do algorytmow, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest (174)
- Wspolczesna filozofia matematyki, Roman Murawski (147)
- Wstep do Matematyki Wspolczesnej, Helena Rasiowa (271)
- Wstep do Teorii Mnogosci i Topologii, Kazimierz Kuratowski (266)
- Wstep do Teorii Prawdopodobienstwa (3 wydanie), Jacek Jakubowski, Rafal Sztencel (113)
- Wyklad z Teorii Liczb i Kryptografii, Neal Koblitz (144)
- Wyklady z kombinatoryki (czesc 1), Zbigniew Palka, Andrzej Rucinski (182)
- Wyprawa Kapitana Lamiglowy w Kraine Matematyki, Jan Samsonowicz (227)
- Zadania dla uczniow klas V-VIII uzdolnionych matematycznie, Zinaida Krawcewicz (32)
- Zbior Zadan dla Uczniow Szkol Srednich o Zainteresowaniach Matematycznych, Miroslaw Grabowski, Karol Szymanski (218)
- Zbior Zadan z Analizy Matematycznej, Jozef Banas, Stanislaw Wedrychowicz (54)
- Zbior Zadan z Fizyki dla Szkol Srednich i Kandydatow na Studia 1, Jedrzej Jedrzejewski, Witold Kruczek, Adam Kujawski (221)
- Zbior Zadan z Fizyki dla Szkol Srednich i Kandydatow na Studia 2, Jedrzej Jedrzejewski, Witold Kruczek, Adam Kujawski (222)
- Zbior Zadan z Matematyki dla klas I-II Szkol Srednich (2 wydanie), Norbert Drobka, Karol Szymanski (285)
- Zbior Zadan z Matematyki dla klas VII-VIII, Norbert Drobka, Karol Szymanski (220)
- Zlozonosc obliczeniowa, Christos H. Papadimitriou (136)
- Zycie Marii Curie, Susan Quinn (225)
33 Shot Glasses
- Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
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- Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
- Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
- McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada
- Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
- Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, USA
- Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS, Canada
- New York University, New York, NY, USA
- Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
- Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
- San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA
- Singapore Management University, Singapore (thank you, Konstantinos Georgiou!)
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA (thank you, Shunyi Hu!)
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
- University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA (thank you, Xavier Perez-Gimenez!)
- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, USA
- University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
- University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
- University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
- West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
- Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada
- York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Books
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Discrete Mathematics Gary Chartrand Ping Zhang Answers
Source: https://math.ryerson.ca/~pralat/collections.html
Posted by: greentheopect.blogspot.com
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